Melanie Williams

Meet Melanie, an avid photographer who loves capturing the natural beauty of Arizona!

Nichelle McHone

Meet Nichelle, who when not teaching yoga and pilates in Phoenix, enjoys the natural wonders of Arizona… and the occasional trip to California for some beach time!

Kim Waites

Meet Kim Waites, Programs Manager at Wild South. She spends most of her time in, on, and around the Bankhead National Forest in northern Alabama, hiking, exploring, and spreading her passion for our Wilderness!

Michelle ‘SuperClassy’ Markel

Meet Support Public Lands Founder, native Californian, and perennial nemophilist Michelle ‘SuperClassy’ Markel! When she is not on a long trail, she can typically be found exploring and van-dwelling somewhere on our 850 million acres of public lands.

Stanley ‘PHD’ Batchelor

Meet Alabama Adventurer Stanley ‘PHD’ Batchelor, a lifelong outdoorsman, with an amazing ability to maintain incredible levels of energy and enthusiasm for his virtually endless ‘want-to-do’ list!